All Options

All the options in crafty.config.js apart from your bundles in the js and css bundles are optional.

Option Default Value Description Preset
browsers See below The browser compatibility we wish in the compiled files. Read more below Core
destination See below The destination at which to put all files Core
destination_<bundleType> destination + "/" + bundleType The destination for JavaScript/TypeScript files Core
eslint Swissquote JavaScript Guideline This defines the rules for all JavaScript source files that go through the Gulp builder crafty-preset-babel
externals [] What libraries are already provided in the final application, see below for more information crafty-runner-webpack
img_basedir "images" Where to take images from (Relative to current working directory) crafty-preset-images / crafty-preset-images-simple
img_extensions ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"] What extensions to compress (excludes svg) crafty-preset-images
legacy_css false When enabling this feature, the CSS will be linted for errors and formatting instead of the Swissquote CSS Guideline crafty-preset-postcss
mavenType See below Defines wether this application is a webapp or webjar. crafty-preset-maven
stylelint Swissquote CSS Guideline This defines the rules for all CSS source files, it contains the naming conventions crafty-preset-postcss
stylelint_legacy Swissquote CSS Guideline This defines the rules for all CSS source files, it contains the base formatting rules and best practices crafty-preset-postcss
stylelint_pattern See Below Define the file types you want to target when linting CSS files. crafty-preset-postcss
terser See below Configure the compression level of your JavaScript assets. crafty-preset-terser


By default, your compiled assets will be in dist/<bundleType>. But you can override the config.destination or config.destination_<bundleType> option.

You can also use the crafty-preset-maven with the mavenType option to move your assets to Maven’s target directory.

More about crafty-preset-maven

browser: Browser compatibility

Default: Edge >= 107, Safari >= 16, iOS >= 16, Chrome >= 107, and_chr >= 107, Firefox >= 107, > 1%, not dead, not op_mini all

Depending on the target browsers, some optimization might be enabled or disabled to create the smallest possible package for the browsers requirements we have.

This option is, for example, used by Autoprefixer to define which CSS Prefixes it needs to add to the CSS file.

We created this list of browsers based on the statistics of browser usage we have seen across all Swissquote Platforms.

If you want a different list, you can override those defaults using any valid Browserslist query source

terser : JavaScript compression

Default: { compress: true, sourceMap: true }

By default, we compress our JavaScript with safe parameters. If you wish, you can go further and enable more advanced compression techniques.

Terser’s documentation has all the details on its options.

stylelint_pattern: Which files to lint

Default: ["css/**/*.scss", "css/**/*.css", "!*.min.css", "!**/vendor/**/*.scss", "!**/vendor/**/*.css", "!**/vendor/*.scss", "!**/vendor/*.css"]

Define the file types you want to target when linting CSS files.

externals to not bundle dependencies

By default, all bundlers include all external dependencies in the final bundle.

Including all dependencies works fine for applications, but if you wish to build a multi-tenant application or a library, you might not want to include all dependencies because you’ll end up with the same dependency more than one time.

The externals option allows you to define a list of provided libraries and should not be embedded in the build. Here is an example :

module.exports = {
    // patterns are strings or globs
    externals: ["react", "react-dom", "moment", "moment/**"],
    js: {
        app: {
            // You can provide more items here, they will be merged with the main list for this bundle
            externals: ["my-plugin", "my-plugin/**"]

In this example, react, react-dom, and all modules starting with moment/ will be treated as external

js and css Bundles

The two configuration objects inside css and js are what Crafty uses to create the build tasks when running crafty run.

A bundle is a set of one or more source files that a runner compiles to one or more destination files.

From these three options, one is mandatory; source.

If we take this JavaScript bundle :

  presets: [
  js: {
    app: { // name of the bundle
      source: ['js/panel.js', 'js/nothing.js'],
      concat: true

This configuration will:

  1. Use the gulp/babel runner implicitly, as no other runner is available.
  2. Read js/panel.js and js/nothing.js.
  3. Convert them using the Babel preset.
  4. Concatenate both files together; That option is exclusive to the gulp runner.
  5. Write the file to <destination_js>/app.min.js. Which is inferred from the bundle name because no destination was specified.

Common Bundle options

Option Type Optional ? Description
source `string string[]` No
runner string No The runner’s name to use for this bundle. This option is mandatory if more than one runner is loaded
destination string Yes The name to give to the final file. Defaults to <bundle_name>.min.<bundle_type>
watch `string string[]` Yes

JavaScript Bundle options

Option Type Description
tsconfigFile string Specify a custom tsconfig.json, relative to the root of your project.


You can define which runner should run for which bundle. The different values are

Runner Name Bundle Type Required presets
webpack JavaScript @swissquote/crafty-runner-webpack
gulp/babel JavaScript @swissquote/crafty-runner-gulp + @swissquote/crafty-preset-babel
gulp/typescript JavaScript @swissquote/crafty-runner-gulp + @swissquote/crafty-preset-typescript
gulp/swc JavaScript @swissquote/crafty-runner-gulp + @swissquote/crafty-preset-babel
gulp/postcss CSS @swissquote/crafty-runner-gulp + @swissquote/crafty-preset-postcss

CSS Bundles

  presets: [
  css: {
    testIndex: {
        source: 'css/test/test.scss',
        destination: 'index.min.css',
        watch: 'css/test/**.scss'

testIndex is the bundle name; you will be able to call crafty run css_testIndex to build it.

CSS bundling provides no particular option. When bundling your CSS inside your JavaScript, you must set the configuration in the JavaScript bundle.

JavaScript Bundles

app: {
    source: ['js/panel.js', 'js/nothing.js'],
    destination: 'app.min.js'

app is the bundle name; you will be able to call crafty run js_app to build it.

Apart from the common options, here are the options you can use for JavaScript bundles.

Option Type Runner Preset Description
externals string[] Webpack crafty-runner-webpack Extends the list of provided libraries (Webpack understands both globs and strings)
hot bool Webpack crafty-runner-webpack Allows to use Hot Module Replacement in watch mode (false by default)
libraryTarget string Webpack crafty-runner-webpack Define the library type to export. By default we use amd. Possible values.
library string Webpack crafty-runner-webpack Define the library name for the Webpack module or export.
extractCSS `bool string object` Webpack
concat bool Gulp crafty-preset-babel This will merge all files together, outputting a single file. (This doesn’t resolve imports, use Webpack for this)