  • jsLint: Lint JavaScript files, this is a facade for ESLint, pre-configured with our preset.


ESLint is the leading tool to lint JavaScript and, using plugins, to lint many flavors of it like TypeScript.


This preset comes with the Swissquote JavaScript Guideline.

Read more


crafty-prest-eslint comes automatically with @swissquote/crafty-preset-babel. Install this only if you only need the linter without the bundler.

npm install @swissquote/crafty-preset-eslint --save
module.exports = {
  presets: ["@swissquote/crafty-preset-eslint"]


Linting options

You can read about the linting options on the page about Read more


crafty jsLint

This linter will leverage ESLint to lint your JavaScript files with the Swissquote presets pre-configured. All ESLint CLI options are valid here.

The additions made by this command are:

  • Pre-configured rules, defined by eslint-plugin-swissquote activated using --preset.
  • Works for JavaScript and for TypeScript

there are four presets available for you :

  • format Base formatting rules should work on any code (included in legacy and recommended)
  • node Adds environment information for Node.js
  • legacy For all your EcmaScript 5 code
  • recommended For all your EcmaScript 2015+ code, it also contains rules for React

You can enable those preset with the --preset {the_preset} option on the command line

The order of the presets is essential as some rules might override previous ones.

For example:

crafty jsLint src/** --preset format --preset node --preset recommended

If you don’t specify any preset, we’ll default to recommended.

If you pass the --fix flag, it will fix all the errors it can and write them directly to the file.