
Provides stylelint, configured with stylelint-config-swissquote

  • cssLint: Lint CSS files, this is a facade for Stylelint, pre-configured with our preset.


Stylelint is a wonderful tool to lint CSS in according to your rules, we have a custom configuration preset for Stylelint that comes pre-configured.

Read more about it here


@swissquote/crafty-preset-stylelint is also automatically provided by @swissquote/crafty-preset-postcss. No need to add it manually if crafty-preset-postcss is already in your presets.

npm install @swissquote/crafty-preset-stylelint --save
module.exports = {
  presets: [


crafty cssLint

This command will lint CSS files using Stylelint’s CLI too, you can get it’s documentation here.

The additions made by this command are:

there are 3 presets available for you :

  • recommended: Contains all BEM specific rules.
  • legacy: Contains rules specific to legacy code.
  • common: Enforces the styleguide of the CSS. (included in both recommended and legacy)

Setting presets is done with the --preset option

The order of the presets is important as some rules might override previous ones.

It can be used the following way:

crafty cssLint css/**/*.scss --preset recommended

If no preset is specified recommended is used.

Linting options

You can read about the linting options in the page about CSS Linting