PostCSS Swissquote Preset


The features provided by this preset are mainly:

  • Provide future CSS Syntax today
  • Allow you to use some features from SCSS in your CSS
  • No need to worry about vendor prefixes; this preset will add them for you.
  • Advanced and fast minification

See details in CSS Features.


Usage within Crafty

@swissquote/crafty-preset-postcss automatically configures this preset for you for Webpack and Gulp.

Usage outside Crafty

npm install @swissquote/postcss-swissquote-preset --save


    config: {
      browsers: "ie 9, last 3 versions", // A Browserslist compatible browsers list
      environment: "production" // (optional) The current environment to compile to, will also use the `NODE_ENV` variable, or will fallback to "production"