Defining a preset

A preset is defined with the following functions.

All methods are optional; Use the methods you need, leave out the rest.

interface CLIInputs {
  input: string[];
  flags: {[key: string]: string}

module.exports = {
     * Provide some default configuration along with the preset.
     * @return A partial configuration, that will be recursively merged in the existing configuration
    defaultConfig(): {[key: string]: string} { return {} }

     * Change the configuration once the user overrides have been applied.
     * (Renaming legacy parameters, validating or sanitizing values, etc...) can be done here
     * @param config The original configuration
     * @return The full configuration
    config(config: {[key: string]: string}): {[key: string]: string} { return config; }

     * Prepares the commands that can be invoked in this preset.
     * @param crafty The Crafty instance
     * @return an object with command names as key, and an object with "command" and "description" as keys
    commands(crafty: Crafty): {[command: string]: {command: (crafty: Crafty, input: string, cli: CLIInputs) => Promise<number>, description: string}} { return {} }

     * This extension point is called when the configuration is complete, you can use this if you need to initialize something that will be needed later by your preset
     * @param crafty The Crafty instance
    init(crafty: Crafty): void

     * This extension point allows to transform a bundle into a task, any preset can define one or more bundle creators
     * @param crafty The Crafty instance
    bundleCreator(crafty: Crafty): {
      [bundleType: string]: {
        [runnerName: string]: (crafty: Crafty, bundle: Bundle) => void

     * This extension point is called when tasks will be executed (listing, running or watching).
     * Use it to declare your tasks and watchers that aren't related to bundles.
     * @param crafty The Crafty instance
    tasks(crafty: Crafty): void

     * This extension point is called when `crafty test` is executed, you can run your test runner and return with a Promise.
     * @param crafty The Crafty instance
     * @param input The input to the command
     * @param cli The arguments passed to the CLI, allows to query for options and parameters
     * @returns a promise that fail if the test fail.
    test(crafty: Crafty, input: string, cli: CLIInputs): Promise

    // Presets add more extensions points

    // babel
    // jest
    // gulp
    // webpack

Defining a bundleCreator

Bundles can contain those fields by default, each bundleType can add more fields.

interface Bundle {
   * The bundle name, is the key you specify next to the object in `crafty.config.js`
  name: string;

   * The bundle's type, generally `js` or `css`, you can also create your own types.
  type: string;

   * The task name to use when you generate the task, is made of `<bundle.type>_<>`
  taskName: string;

   * One single file or an array of files you wish to compile. Glob expressions are valid.
  source: string | string[];

   * The name to give to the final file. Defaults to `<bundle_name>.min.<bundle_type>`
  destintion: string;

   * The name of the runner to use for this bundle. Is mandatory if more than one runner is loaded
  runner?: string;

   * The watch expression to use to rebuild this asset.
   * Any glob expression is valid, is needed for Gulp in watch mode.
   * Webpack has its own mechanism to watch files and don't need this option.
   * If nothing is specified, it will use the value of `source` as a watch expression
  watch?: string | string[];

A bundle creator is a function that receives a crafty instance and a bundle, and is supposed to create a task and a watcher.

An example :

bundleCreator(crafty: crafty): {
    js: {
        "gulp/babel": (crafty: Crafty, bundle: Bundle) => {
            crafty.undertaker.task(bundle.taskName, () => {
                // Run your task
            crafty.watcher.add( || bundle.source, bundle.taskName);

In this example, you can see that this bundleCreator is meant for the js bundleType, and will be used if you specify gulp or gulp/babel as runner.

You can also see that a watcher is created, so if the pattern is matched, bundle.taskName is executed.

Defining a command

Commands receive three parameters: a Crafty instance, the command input and the parsed arguments used in the CLI.

 * @param crafty The Crafty instance
 * @param input The input to the command
 * @param cli The arguments passed to the CLI, allows to query for options and parameters
 * @returns a promise that resolves with 0 if everything went well or rejects with a non 0 exit code
function command(
  crafty: Crafty,
  input: string,
  cli: CLIInputs
): Promise<number> {
  return Promise.resolve(0);

The Crafty instance

The Crafty instance that is passed around contains all the configuration, commands and tasks generated.

Check out it’s API