PostCSS’ API isn’t well suited to configure which extensions should be executed or not, this task is left to the final user.

But Crafty has a bundle of PostCSS plugins that have their own configuration.

With this API, we try to provide a rich API that allows you to add, remove, reconfigure and reorder plugins. Even better, we provide some ways to conditionally enable plugins.

Extending from your crafty.config.js

For this you need to add a postcss method to your crafty.config.js

module.exports = {
   * Represents the extension point for Postcss configuration
   * @param {Crafty} crafty - The instance of Crafty.
   * @param {ProcessorMap} config - The list of configured plugins
  postcss(crafty, config) {
    // Add postcss-fixes
    // We recommend that for all plugins you add, you set a "before",
    // because otherwise they run as last plugins and some other plugins might miss some optimizations
    // For example if your plugin adds a `calc()` or a `var()` postcss-calc and postcss-custom-properties will already have run

    // Replace postcss-csso with cssnano,
    // - enabled in production, disabled otherwise
    // - runs before postcss-reporter
    // - use cssnano's default preset
      .enableIf(options => crafty.getEnvironment() === "production")
        preset: "default"

    // Change autoprefixer's options to disable autoprefixing for flexbox
    const autoprefixerOptions = config.processor("autoprefixer").options;
    autoprefixerOptions.flexbox = false;

    // Override CSS custom properties in code
    const customProperties = config.processor("postcss-custom-properties")
    customProperties.variables = {
      color: "#fa5b35"


The main object allows you add or remove elements from the map

class ProcessorMap {
   * Allows you to add or change a processor,
   * The name will be used to load the plugin if nothing else is specified.
  processor(moduleName: string): Processor;

   * Remove all entries
  clear(): ProcessorMap;

   * Delete a single processor
   * @param name The processor to remove
  delete(name: string): ProcessorMap;

   * Check if a processor is configured
  has(name: string): boolean;

   * An array of all the values in the map, sorted.
  values(): Processor[];

   * Returns an object of all the entries in the backing Map
   * where the key is the object property, and the value
   * corresponding to the key. Will return `undefined` if the backing
   * Map is empty.
   * This will order properties by their name if the value is
   * a ProcessorMap that used .before() or .after().

  entries(): { [name: string]: Processor };


class <OPTIONS> Processor<OPTIONS = Object> {
  constructor(name: string);

  options: OPTIONS

   * Same as the constructor parameter, allows you to change
   * which module will be loaded for this processor.
  module(moduleName: string): Processor;

   * Provide a custom init callback, needed if your plugin
   * is a function or needs more than one parameter.
   * This is an alternative to `.module(name)`.
   * .init(options => require("my-postcss-plugin")(options))
   * @param fun The function that will return the instance of the plugin
  init(fun: (options: OPTIONS): PluginInstance): Processor;

   * Returns a boolean to tell if the processor is enabled or not.
   * @param fun
  enableIf(fun: (options: OPTIONS): boolean): Processor;

   * Enables the plugin if the spec it implements isn't
   * supported by all browsers that are targeted
   * @param caniuseFeature The name of the CSS spec that it implements
   * @param browsers the list of browsers that target
  enableIfUnsupported(caniuseFeature: string|string[], browsers: string): Processor;

   * Change all the options at once.
   * @param {Object} options The new options object
  setOptions(options: OPTIONS): Processor;

   * Specify before which plugin this plugin has to run.
   * Must not be set at the same time as ".after()"
   * @param {string} name The name of the plugin before which we must run
  before(name): Processor;

   * Specify after which plugin this plugin has to run.
   * Must not be set at the same time as ".before()"
   * @param {string} name The name of the plugin before which we must run
  after(name): Processor;


Add a new processor after another one