Linting is the process of verifying your source code for common errors.

With the help of ESLint we created a default configuration that follows this standard.

Fixing linting errors automatically

Some linting errors, like variable renaming, require an human mind to be fixed, but others don’t.

ESLint comes with a useful command line flag to fix the errors automatically.

We bundled a command line tool that will leverage this and help you fix your JavaScript errors.

Linting in development

Linting is important but while writing code, formatting is not the most important thing and failing the build for something as insignificant as a space is more annoying than helpful. That’s why in Crafty, formatting rules are in warning mode during development (with crafty watch) so that you can focus on programming and not on formatting.

Turning off linting for some parts of your code

You might find yourself surprised with the number of errors you get when you lint your JavaScript files for the first time.

Here I’ll explain how to disable linting on some files or part of files, but remember! The linting is here to help you! You should have good reasons to disable linting.

Good reasons include:

  • It’s an external library you downloaded, so it should not follow our conventions
  • you are adding a console.log but wrapped in a if statement to check if “console” exists in the global scope.

Disable linting on a line

To be surgical you can also disable the linting on a single line with eslint-disable-line

An optional feature is to add which rules are disabled. In this example we disable the no-console rule. We recommend to do this whenever you need to disable linting in a file. You can find the rule name at the end of the error message you get when compiling.

if (console) {
  console.log("Les carottes sont cuites"); //eslint-disable-line no-console

Disable linting on a block of code

You should use this possibility if you’re sure of what you do. To disable linting on a block you can add the following comments around your block

/* eslint-disable */

// suppress all warnings between comments

/* eslint-enable */

Disable linting for one or more files

When running, ESLint will look for a .eslintignore file in it’s working directory and apply all the patterns to ignore some files.

The patterns in your .eslintignore file must match the .gitignore syntax.

For example:


The .eslintignore file’s location changes wether you want to disable linting from Crafty or the Mercurial hooks.

For the hooks, the file must be at the root of your repository (next to your .hgignore/.gitignore).

For Crafty, the file must be in the Gulp working directory (generally src/main/frontend).

Customizing the rules

ESLint contains a lot of rules.

We created a default set of rules following the Swissquote JavaScript Guideline, but if your project wants stricter rules, you can enable them like that :

module.exports = {
  eslint: {
    rules: {
      "arrow-parens": ["error", "always"]