
All bundles made with Babel have the same features, regardless of the bundler that was used.

Except Gulp that will not use Babel to create your final bundle.

EcmaScript 2015/2016 with Babel

By default, when you declare a JavaScript bundle in your crafty.config.js it will be compiled in the simplest possible way.

Let’s take this example.

  js: {
    app: {
      runner: "webpack",
      source: ['js/app.js']

In this case, this build will run through Webpack and execute the following tasks:

  • Linting with ESLint
  • Resolve dependencies and create one bundle
  • Compile the code using Babel
  • Minify all files with Terser

After this, we get a bundle named app.min.js in dist/js.

Webpack uses Babel to compile modern JavaScript to JavaScript that all browsers understand.


Babel is a compiler that gets all its features through plugins. We chose the best plugins in the community to get the best out of it.

Our Babel preset contains everything we need for our web applications.

The options we have for this preset are environment and browsers.

  • environment is defined automatically from how you run it (crafty run/watch/test).
  • browsers is defined from config.browsers. This is a Browserslist query that you can override. We set a default value through crafty.config.js.