
“Automate and enhance your workflow” This is how Gulp presents itself, Gulp is a task runner, combined with an API of file streams.

This runner is based on Gulp 4.


  • Create any gulp task
  • Combine tasks in parallel or in series
  • Create file watchers that run tasks or anything else on change.

Adding Gulp tasks

module.exports = {
   * Represents the extension point for Gulp configuration
   * @param {Crafty} crafty - The instance of Crafty.
   * @param {Gulp} gulp - The instance of Gulp.
   * @param {StreamHandler} StreamHandler - A wrapper to create your tasks.
  gulp(crafty, gulp, StreamHandler) {
    // Create tasks
    gulp.task("images_svg", function() {
      const stream = new StreamHandler("images/**/*.svg", "dist/images");


      return stream.generate();

    // Group tasks into other tasks
    gulp.task("images", gulp.parallel("images_svg"));

    // Register this task to run automatically

    // Create custom watchers["js/*.js"]).on("change", function(path) {
      console.log("Change happened to", path);

The full API of Gulp is supported

Slight change in behavior of

We changed the behavior of in Crafty compared to how it works in Gulp: Instead of watching directly, the watch will start when running crafty watch.

This creates a clear separation between development and production builds.


StreamHandler is a utility class to help you create your streams.

It works the same way as gulp.src()...pipe(gulp.dest()) but with some added syntactic sugar:

  • Doesn’t return a new instance on every pipe thus allowing you to create complex streams without re-assigning the variable every time
  • Includes gulp-plumber to catch errors
gulp.task("images_svg", function() {
  const stream = new StreamHandler("images/**/*.svg", "dist/images");


  return stream.generate();

new StreamHandler(source, destination[, callback])

  • source is a glob or array of globs
  • destination is a destination file or directory
  • callback(error) is an optional node-style callback that you can set to be called once the stream has finished processing


Same as .pipe(handler)


Generates the stream and returns it.