Managing multiple variants of configuration for the same application

1 minute read

A common use case is to have the same application with different configuration for different environments.

You should separate your configuration variants in different maven modules.

  • Specify the same in the of the modules.
  • You may use the same docker image specifying docker.image in
  • You may also re-use/inherit the configuration in another module by importing it as a dependency.

It has the following advantages :

  • Each variant can be re-used (imported as a maven dependency) independently
  • You can express the difference of configuration / dependencies without any duplications.


Imagine we have an application named reporting-service for which we have two possible configuration variants : dev and prod.

The application is packaged as a docker image

We would create two maven modules reporting-service-dev-carnotzet and reporting-service-prod-carnotzet, each containing different config files.

The of the dev variant looks like this :${reporting-service-dev.version}

and the prod variant :${reporting-service-prod.version}

You can also decide that the dev version depends on the prod version (by adding it as a maven dependency) to re-use prod config by default
and add some dev-only overrides (enable debug and reduce max memory usage for example)

If multiple maven artifacts with the same are present in the dependency graph, the service will be deployed only once, using the configuration closest to the root. If multiple variants for the same are at the same level of the graph, the chosen one is not predictable (you can see which one was used if you enable debug logging).

Note: the service Id should be used as folder name when defining configuration and env files, not the module’s artifact Id. The same goes for hostnames that you should use in config files.